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Setting netbios node types in dhcpd.conf
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dhcpd.conf netbios node types

The following is a list of netbios node types, for the ISC dhcp server (should be pertinent to any DHCP server though).

# These are the node types for netbios options:
#1 = B-node, 2 = P-node, 4 =M-node, 8 = H-node
option netbios-node-type 8; # default

NetBIOS name resolution mode - Description

B-node - Uses IP broadcast messages to register and resolve NetBIOS names to IP addresses. Windows 2000–based computers can use modified B-node name resolution.

P-node - Uses point-to-point communication with a NetBIOS name server (in Windows 2000–based networks, this is the WINS server) to register and resolve computer names to IP addresses.

M-node - Uses a mix of B-node and P-node communication to register and resolve NetBIOS names. M-node first uses broadcast resolution; then, if necessary, it uses a server query.

H-node - Uses a hybrid of B-node and P-node. An H-node computer always tries a server query first and uses broadcasts only if direct queries fail.

Computers running Windows NT4 and higher use B-node name resolution by default and use H-node when configured with a WINS server.

In order for remote NetBIOS names to be resolved, you must configure your computers running Windows NT4 (and later) with the IP address of a WINS server. You must configure Active Directory–enabled computers running Windows NT (and later) with the IP address of a WINS server if they are to communicate with computers running Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows 95, or Windows 98 that are not Active Directory enabled.

Tags: DHCP server , Linux

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