Adding a cron job to VMWare / ESXi
Posted by on 2015-09-08 13:25:00:
I needed to add a couple of cron jobs to my ESXi box.
This is quite a bit more complicated than it needs to be in my opinion, but here's the procedure.
Firstly, I create my script and then store it on my datastore (in my case /vmfs/volumes/datastore2/hp/)
Then, I added the following to
/bin/kill $(cat /var/run/ /bin/echo '30 1 * * * /vmfs/volumes/datastore2/hp/ > /dev/null 2>&1' >> /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root /bin/echo '*/5 * * * * /vmfs/volumes/datastore2/hp/ > /dev/null 2>&1' >> /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root /usr/lib/vmware/busybox/bin/busybox crond
The first line kills any running cron daemon.
The second and third lines echo the tasks I want to add to root's cron file which is stored in
The fourth line restarts the cron daemon.
For those who my be interested, these are my scripts:
#!/bin/sh STATUS="" HOSTNAME=$(hostname -f) MAILHOST=PORT=25 TO=admin@your.domain FROM=esxi@your.domain DATE=$(date +'%d/%m/%Y') MESSID=$(date | md5sum) MAILDATE=$(date --rfc-2822) MIMEVER="MIME-Version: 1.0" SUBJECT="Raid status $DATE" err_exit() { echo -e 1>&2; exit 1; } STATUS=$(/vmfs/volumes/datastore2/hp/hpacucli ctrl slot=16 ld all show status) mail_input() { echo "ehlo $HOSTNAME" echo "MAIL FROM: <$FROM>" echo "RCPT TO: <$TO>" echo "DATA" echo "From: <$FROM>" echo "To: <$TO>" echo "Subject: $SUBJECT" echo "Date: $MAILDATE" echo "Message-ID: <$MESSID@$HOSTNAME>" echo "$MIMEVER" echo "Content-Type: text/plain; charset='utf-8'" echo "Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable" echo "Importance: normal" echo "Priority: normal" echo "$STATUS" echo "." echo "quit" } mail_input | nc $MAILHOST $PORT || err_exit
Some of the email header info above may appear to be superfluous - but it did enable my emails to bypass my spam filtering.
Also - if using Postfix as your SMTP server, you need to allow SMTP pipe lining due to the method in which netcat sends email.
Finally - this is specific to the HP P410i array controller, but as this controller is quite popular for home labs, I thought it might be useful to include this info here.
This is the output of the above script:
Subject: Raid status 08/09/2015 logicaldrive 1 (596.1 GB, RAID 5): OK logicaldrive 2 (596.1 GB, RAID 5): OK
I do realise that I could simply elect to only send email when there is an error - however I like the warm feeling of seeing "OK" every day... :-)
The other script I run gets the disk temperatures using the HP utility (you need the latest controller firmware for this).
/vmfs/volumes/datastore2/hp/hpacucli ctrl slot=16 pd all show detail |grep "Current Temperature (C):" |awk -F ":" {'print $2'} |xargs |sed -e 's/ /,/g' > /vmfs/volumes/datastore2/hp/disk_temps.txt cat /vmfs/volumes/datastore2/hp/disk_temps.txt | nc -w 3 1025
This post details more information about using this script, and the output it generates.
Tags: VMWare
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