Debian Linux Samba

mount: cannot mount block device

I was trying to mount a CIFS / SAMBA share on Debian GNU/Linux 7 (wheezy). I wasn’t being prompted for a password, I would simply get: mount -t cifs -o user=admin // remote/ mount: block device // is write-protected, mounting read-only mount: cannot mount block device // read-only I needed to install “cifs-utils” apt-get install […]

Checkpoint Checkpoint Firewall Networking

How do I create manual ARP (for inbound NAT) entries in Checkpoint?

Updated 11th July 2017 Manual ARP in Firewall 1 NG If you must use manual NAT rules on win 2000 (and later!), do the following: 1. Create c:\windows\fw1\R62\fw1\conf\local.arp file as per the format below. 2. Uncheck “Automatic Arp Configuration” in Global Properties 3. Check the setting under the Manual Nat settings in Global Properties. 4. […]

Checkpoint Checkpoint Firewall Networking

How to redirect log files to another drive (Checkpoint) (Firewall NG)

I’m running VPN-1 UTM and this tricked worked fine. Looking at the registry, there are several keys under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CheckPoint\FW1\ which look to pertain to whichever version you have installed. Under the top level key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CheckPoint\FW1\ is a “CurrentVersion” String. Mine is “6.0” so I navigated to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CheckPoint\FW1\6.0 and created the “FWLOGDIR” string there, restarted the […]